Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Corn fritters! A great way to use the corn coming out of the garden

Thank you to the Pioneer Woman. Ree knew just the recipe I needed and just when I needed it. As soon as I saw her put corn fritters up, I had to make them. I've only ever had them once before, in a restaurant with my husband in Pennsylvania. They were put on the table instead of bread and served with honey. My heavens they were delicious. I mean they must have been, because that trip was easily ten years ago. It's amazing I can not remember what happened last week, but if there is food involved, I can remember back decades.

These were as good as I remember, crispy and light. I hope there is more leftover corn in my future so I can make more.

For the recipe and a better how to than I could do, check out Ree's corn fritters. One thing, Ree says she uses maple syrup. I like honey better. Give them both a try and let me know which you prefer.

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